Computer Use

The Demarest Free Public Library provides a limited number of computers with internet access for public use.

Guidelines for Computer Use

  1. Use of a computer is limited to one hour, unless an exception is made by the director or library staff in special circumstances. One computer shall be designated for half-hour sessions only, with no time extensions available. All printing must be completed within this time limit.
  2. Computers and the internet, like all of the Library’s information sources, must be shared and used in a manner which respects the rights of others and refrains from any activity that prevents others from using it.
  3. Computers should be used for educational, informational, and recreational purposes only. Computers should not be used to conduct a business or commercial enterprise or engage in commercial activity such as the distribution of advertising.
  4. Only Library-provided software may be used on the Library’s computers. Software owned or supplied by users may not be installed or used on Library computers.
  5. Users may not alter or attempt to alter, even temporarily, the setup of Library computers. All patrons are responsible for any damages that occur due to misuse. Any vandalism, destructive behavior, or illegal activities may result in police action as well as suspension of privileges. Parents are responsible for damages done by their children.
  6. Computer programs and data protected by copyright laws must not be copied without authorization.
  7. Users are asked to respect the privacy of other computer users. This includes not representing oneself as another user; not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; not trying to gain access to someone else’s search history; and not “hovering” over others using computers.
  8. No more than two people may sit/work together at one computer.
  9. Use of the computers in the Children’s Room is reserved for children and parents or caregivers with children using the Children’s Room.
  10. Use of the computers in the Teen Room is reserved for teens.
  11. All computer use ends ten minutes prior to the library’s closing.

The Library is not responsible for any damage done to computer users’ discs, USB drives, data, hardware, or software which may occur on or through contact with Library equipment. Although the Library has installed virus protection on its computers, total protection cannot be guaranteed.

Internet Access

The library provides access to the internet through networked public access workstations and WiFi.

The library upholds the right of every individual to access to constitutionally protected materials. However, the library’s support of this right does not constitute condoning illegal activity in the library or through the internet on Library computers.

As with all Library resources, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians, not Library staff, to determine and monitor their minor child’s use of the internet. Parents/guardians are responsible for information selected or accessed by their children via the internet.

Since the Library computers on which the public can access the internet are located in public areas that must be shared by Library users of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities, individuals are asked to consider others when accessing potentially controversial information and images. Library staff cannot consistently and effectively monitor the public’s use of the internet. Regardless, the Library reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information or images that may be disturbing to Library patrons.

Users who access the internet via the Demarest Library network or WiFi agree not to use internet for any illegal purpose and further agree to not damage, alter, or interfere with the functionality of library workstations, Library network, or other’s access to library services.

Wireless Access

The same principle governing Internet Access above pertain to Wireless Access. The only difference is that patrons connect using a wireless device. Time limits will not apply to patrons using their own devices.

Wireless connections may be less secure than a networked connection. Virus and security protection are the user’s responsibility.


Library computer workstations are a public resource in public setting. While library users have a right to privacy, the nature of the internet does not guarantee the privacy of searches conducted or information accessed. The Demarest Library makes reasonable efforts to safeguard your privacy; however, the library makes no claim or assertion that any work you do on any workstation is completely private.

See the Library’s Privacy Policy regarding public computers and WiFi here.

Staff Assistance

The Library cannot guarantee that staff will be available to assist computer/internet/photocopier users at all times the Library is open. If possible, Library staff will help with basic computer problems.

Library staff members cannot configure a patron’s laptop or personal device or help establish a wireless network connection. The library staff is not available for troubleshooting a patron’s computer or personal device.

Appointments can be made for a one-on-one session for the purpose of learning to access the Library’s digital resources such as borrowing eBooks and accessing research databases.

Adopted by the Demarest Library Board of Trustees May 16, 2022.