Knitting Club

The Knitting Club is meeting once a month in-person in the library’s Quiet Room and once a month online via Zoom. To receive info on how to join the Zoom meeting, email

Come join this hip group of talented knitters to talk patterns and projects, share tips and tricks, and socialize while you slip stitches. New members & out-of-towners always welcome! (And yes, the knitting club is crochet friendly!)

The knitting club meets the first and third Wednesday of the month from 7:30pm to 9:00pm, except the first Wednesday in July and the third Wednesday in November and December. They also host an active email list that includes tip, stories, and reminders about yarn sales! Email to join.

Sorry, this is not a knitting class. But the library does have an extensive collection of knitting books (including for beginners!) located in the central aisle of the adult bookshelves under 746.432. (Can’t find ’em? Ask a librarian! We’re happy to help.) The Emerson Community School typically offers an Intro to Knitting class for some hands-on learning – contact them at 201-262-5502.